Desert Hawks reach settlement with National Arena League, announce it will be playing in week three
2 min read
ODESSA, TX — The West Texas Desert Hawks shared it will play in its originally scheduled game this weekend against the Washington Wolfpack, following a recent settlement with the National Arena League.
On May 6, the NAL was granted its preliminary injunction against the Desert Hawks it initially filed on April 25, stating the team breached its three-year contract by leaving to join the Arena Football League. The United States District Court For the Northern District of Georgia, ordered the Desert Hawks could not participate in the AFL and conduct any related marketing or sales activities.
On Friday, the court granted an order from the NAL on a notice of a settlement and request to release bond. Court documents revealed the NAL and Desert Hawks agreed in principle to a settlement of an unknown amount.
The ruling was ordered to be dismissed without prejudice for 60 days until the documentation of the settlement is official. The NAL was returned its $50,000 security deposit it paid to the court to try the case.
Earlier this week, the league adjusted the Oregon Blackbears to play on the road against the Wolfpack instead on Sunday. The Blackbears formally announced the news to its fans Thursday afternoon.
On Friday, the Desert Hawks stated it will be playing against the Wolfpack through a video captioned, “You thought we were done?”
Desert Hawks coach Chris Siegfried posted on X that his team is prepared to compete against the Wolfpack.
”Time for the haters and doubters to continue their onslaught of stupidity.” Siegfied said.
Arena Insider reached out to the Blackbears organization for clarification and we have not yet heard back.
This post will be updated with more details as it becomes available.